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WPBeginner's WordPress News keep you updated with what's hot in the WordPress industry. Stay updated with WordPress releases, major announcements, exclusive WordPress deals, and much more.

WordPress World Map – Tag Yourself Now

This interesting idea was brought to our attention during WordCamp NYC. WP World Map created by Oliver Schlobe allows you to geo tag yourself on a World Map. Using this map, you can get connected with local WordPress users in your area. This is a great tool for both developers and WordPress users.

WordCamp New York City 2009

WordPress community in New York is organizing a great meetup for WordPress users. This event will be held on November 14 – 15, 2009 at Baruch College of the City University of New York. Our founder Syed Balkhi will be attending the conference.

WordPress SQL Injection – Latest Attack

A lot of sites are being hit by a recent SQL attack where codes are being injected to your site. This MySQL injection affects your permalinks by making them ineffective. As a result, your blog posts URLs will not work. We will show you how you can identify and fix this issue.

WordPress 2.8.4 – A Crucial Security Release

Yesterday, WPBeginner was facing some hacker attack. It was users trying to reset the password, but thankfully they could not get the random password because the site is not using the default admin user. But nonetheless it was an annoying thing to deal with. Hackers kept trying to reset our password and we had to deal with it for six times until we added more security layers.

WordPress 2.8.3 Released (Security Patch)

WordPress has released another security release as version 2.8.3. This version fixed problems that were left in 2.8.2 so upgrade now. This is a security release so the upgrade should not be optional.

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WordPress 2.8.1 is Officially Released

WordPress 2.8.1 fixes many bugs and improves security for plugin administration pages. In the previous version, admin pages added by certain plugins could be viewed by unprivileged users, resulting in information being leaked. Not all plugins are vulnerable to this problem, but WordPress staff and WPBeginner advise you to upgrade to 2.8.1 to be safe.