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  • Google Cloudによる高速サーバー
  • 充実したカスタマイザーサポート
  • WordPress公式推奨サーバー
  • 1クリックでWordPressインストール
  • 無料ドメイン、SSL、CDN、サイトバックアップ
  • 簡単なステージングツール
  • 無料サイト移行


  • やや高価

WPBeginnerユーザーは、限定70%割引と 無料SSLをご利用いただけます!

サイトグランド を訪れる



編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。


続きを読む »


  • パフォーマンスサイトの成功にはスピードが重要です。SiteGroundを利用したサイトの読み込み速度は?
  • 信頼性ウェブサイトは24時間365日、ダウンタイムなしに利用できますか?
  • カスタマイザー:カスタマーサポートは信頼できるか?
  • 機能:サイト構築に必要な機能やツールをすべて提供しているか。
  • 価格設定料金はいくらですか?SiteGroundのお得なキャンペーンはありますか?


SiteGround Review Summary
Performance gradeA+
Average load time397 ms
Average response time123 ms
Free domainYes
Free SSLYes
1-click WordPressYes
SupportPhone / Live Chat / Knowledge base
Start with SiteGround







SiteGround website






  • 超高速サーバー:すべてのSiteGroundサーバーは、スピードのために高度に最適化されています。新規カスタマイザーにはすべてGoogleクラウドプラットフォームを使用しており、これは市場で最も高速なプラットフォームの1つです。
  • 一流のカスタマサポート:カスタマーサポートは控えめに言っても素晴らしい。年中無休の電話サポート、ライブチャット、チケットベースのサポートを提供している。
  • 無料CDNとSSL Cloudflareの無料CDNと Let’s Encryptの無料SSL証明書を即座にセットアップしてくれる。
  • 複数のサーバーロケーション3大陸にデータセンターがある。サインアップの際にご希望のロケーションをお選びいただけます。



  • 限られたストレージ:このプランには固定ストレージが付いている。しかし、このストレージはかなり大きいので、始めたばかりであれば、余分なストレージが必要になることはほとんどないだろう。
  • 月額課金だと料金が高くなるホスティングサービスは月額課金を選択すると高くなります。しかし、もしあなたが長い課金期間でサインアップすれば、より大きな割引とより低い料金を得ることができます。とにかく30日間の返金保証を提供しているので、契約時に長い請求期間を選択するのは良いアイデアだ。







Strangeloop performance case study



SiteGround speed test results



SiteGround のサーバーがトラフィックの増加に対してどのように反応するかをテストするために、Grafana Labs の K6 というストレステストツールを使用しました。



SiteGround stress testing results

紫色の線はサイトの有効化したバーチャルユーザー数、水色の線はサーバーのレスポンシブタイムです。SiteGround は、テスト中、何の問題もなく一貫したパフォーマンスを発揮しました。



SiteGroundのサーバーはすべてGoogle Cloud Platformでホスティングされています。また、UltraFast PHPを追加し、最適化のためのWordPressカスタムプラグイン(SGオプティマイザー)を作成しました。




SiteGround uptime results

SiteGround サーバーのレスポンシブタイム







SiteGround response time







  • 共有ホスティングサービス:共有ホスティングは、新規ウェブサイト、ブロガー、中小企業のウェブサイト、またはスタートアップのオンラインストアにお勧めします。それはあなたがサーバーにホストされている他のウェブサイトとリソースを共有するように低トラフィックのサイトに適しています。
  • WordPressホスティングサービス:このプランは、共有ホスティングプランのWordPress最適化バージョンです。サイトグラウンド独自のWordPress最適化機能により、サイトのパフォーマンスを向上させます。SiteGround WordPressホスティングサービスをご覧ください。
  • WooCommerceホスティングサービス:このプランは、共有ホスティングプランのWooCommerce最適化バージョンです。SiteGroundの最適化が含まれており、オンラインストアのパフォーマンスを大幅に向上させます。SiteGround WooCommerceホスティングサービスをご覧ください。
  • クラウドホスティングサービス:クラウドホスティングプランは、共有ホスティングソリューションの柔軟なアップグレードを提供します。マルチコアCPUや帯域幅など、クラウドアーキテクチャのリソースを利用できます。成長中のサイトや人気のブログ、ビジネスに適しています。また、VPSや従来の専用サーバーからのアップグレードも可能です。SiteGround クラウドホスティングをご覧ください。




  • スタートアップこのプランは1つのサイトのホスティングサービスに限定されます。10GBのディスクスペースが含まれ、月間訪問者数10,000人のサイトのホスティングサービスに適しています。また、1クリックWordPressインストール、無料セットアップ、サイト転送、毎日のバックアップ、ビルトインキャッシュ(SuperCacher)、無料CDN、無料SSLなど、必要な機能をすべてご利用いただけます。
  • GrowBig:GrowBigプランでは、無制限のサイトをホスティングサービスできます。20GBのディスクスペースが付属しており、毎月の訪問数が25,000のサイトのホスティングサービスに適しています。Startupプランのすべての機能に加え、さらに高速な超高速PHP、オンデマンドバックアップ、簡単なステージングツール、サイトにコラボレーターを追加するオプションなどのプレミアム機能をご利用いただけます。
  • GoGeek:GoGeekプランはeコマースサイトに適しています。月間訪問者数 100,000 人のサイトに対応できます。GrowBig のすべての機能に加えて、優先サポート、より多くのサーバーリソース、ワンクリック git リポジトリ作成などの高度な機能、サイト上のホワイトラベルクライアントを管理するオプションをご利用いただけます。

Sitegroundの各プランには、より高速なディスクストレージ、メールアカウント、Cloudflare無料コンテンツデリバリーネットワークのサポート、およびLet’s Encrypt無料SSL証明書が付属しています。

また、WPFormsOptinMonsterAll In One SEOなどの人気のWordPressプラグインも含まれており、サイトランキングの向上に役立ちます。

SiteGround pricing plans

SiteGround サポートとカスタムサービス




SiteGround AI support assistant



SiteGround support





すべての共有ホスティングプランには、SSDストレージ、サイトツール、Let’s Encrypt無料SSLとCloudflare CDNサービスの簡単セットアップ、1-click WordPressインストーラ、および無料移行が含まれています。ビルトインのセキュリティ機能は、マルウェアからサイトを保護し、Cloudflare CDN機能をオンにすることで、さらに保護を追加することができます。












1クリックWordPressインストールで簡単にWordPressサイトを開設できます。また、SiteGround Migratorプラグインを使用して、既存のWordPressサイトを移動することもできます。



SiteGround は、WordPress と WooCommerce のホスティングに特化しています。WooCommerceストアを構築している場合、安定したパフォーマンスと信頼性を提供するSiteGroundの最適化にお任せください。






5.SiteGround は cPanel ホスティングサービスを提供していますか?






詳細については、SiteGround対Bluehost対WP Engineの正直な比較をご覧ください。











WPBeginnerユーザーは、限定70%割引と 無料SSLをご利用いただけます!

Reader Interactions

5,025 サイトグランド ユーザーレビューレビューを書く

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Andy Mack says

    Thank you for the fastest technical support help I have ever received! I have been migrating my sites over to siteground from a different host. I am so pleased with the service.

  3. Mike Adams says

    I have been extremely pleased with your website hosting services and especially I have been more than pleased and satisfied with your customer support team. Almost two years ago I had moved all my customers (I am currently using 4 hosting plans) over to SiteGround from a different hosting company. Customer service is a big decision maker for me and I have used your customer service agents on many occasions and every time they have met and exceeded all of my expectations and they have always solved any issues that may have arisen. Moving over to SiteGround was the best decision that I have made for my company since I started it over six years ago. I will always highly recommend using SiteGround to any person that is looking for a high-quality hosting company. Keep up the great work.

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for the wonderful review, Mike. Knowing that we’ve constantly met and exceeded your expectations, especially when it comes to customer service, is incredibly rewarding for us.

      Thank you for choosing SiteGround and for the recommendation. Rest assured, we are committed to continuing to deliver the quality and reliability you’ve come to expect from us.

      Best regards,
      The SiteGround Team

  4. Robert Riesmeyer says

    After having problems with multiple servers from other companies and all of them blaming us for the slow speed and poor performance, telling us we needed to optimize and reduce the size of our website, we switched to SiteGround and the difference is night and day. Our website is loading way faster, the admin dashboard is faster, media is loading in a split second, and on and on.

    The customer service of Site Ground has been fantastic. They handled all of the heavy lifting in transferring our website from the old server to theirs. Quick, effecient, done.

    Best move we have made for our website.

  5. Robert D. Miles says

    I am a motion picture Executive Producer and Producer with one a dozen film is distribution worldwide.

    I have just moved my website to Siteground and used several of their services including making changes to a substantial WordPress site.

    Not only has their teams work been amazing but so very fast and affordable.

    I highly recommend them for any requirement you might have.

    Robert D. Miles

  6. Dutch says

    The site speeds are amazing and the support is very knowledgable and thorough! I’m so glad I made the switch to SiteGround!

  7. Karen says

    We’ve been with Siteground for years and their WordPress hosting support is fantastic. 9/10 they’re able to fix or helps us with whatever technical issues we’re having.

  8. Wayne G Stadler says

    Tried it and cancelled. I have 7 websites of various sizes, all wordpress. their “migration tool” would work on any of them. Tried other migration plugins which all failed on the Siteground side because of settings and the lack of cPanel access. Suport did nothing but blame my current host.

    I do not recommend wasting your time with these guys.

    • SiteGround says

      Hello Wayne, the SiteGround Team here.
      We located your account, reviewed the support history and we would like to reply with some additional information. It appears that our SiteGround Migrator plugin had some issues completing the transfer. This is most likely due to the current site configuration or permissions on the end of the host you’re transferring from. Something we have no control over, unfortunately. Many clients are using the Migrator when moving here from cPanel setups so this is unlikely to be the cause.
      We can see your account with us is no longer active but if you’d like to give it another try – we’ll be glad to investigate the issue in more detail over ticket if needed and clarify the available transfer options. Let us know if we can do anything for you, our support channels remain open for you: . We wish you a productive day ahead!

    • SiteGround says

      Hello Veronica,
      Thank you for taking the time to write this. Your words mean a lot to our team!
      If you have any other questions – we’ll be there for you.
      All the best,
      The SiteGround Team

  9. Jacques Reuter says

    Fantastically competent and swift help from the Siteground team.
    I completely messed up my existing installation and they were of great help.

  10. Eldon says

    I agree, Siteground is fast. Their claim of simple tools is correct – with emphasis on “simple”. As a Siteground customer for many years, I am disappointed too often. Yes, websites are fast, and stable, but how does that balance with the home-grown buggy tools? and most recently their disaster email spam sorting? (You don’t have a choice, and I don’t think most customers even realize Siteground is deleting some important email.) Tech support is great when you have a “typical” question, but it can take days to get an answer if you ask something more complicated. I suppose the worst part is they force you into their way, or too bad. Very few choices in how you do things. I’m not sure how to balance the disappointments against the successes. Just know it is not all rosy like their promotions say.

    • SiteGround says

      Hello Eldon, thank you for your feedback. We’re pleased you’re satisfied with our support and the performance of our hosting services as we work hard to maintain high performance for our customers’ websites. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by our tools and Spam Protection feature. We take your concerns seriously and are committed to resolving the issue you’ve reported regarding legitimate emails being mistakenly filtered. Our team is ready to investigate this matter and provide you with the necessary assistance. Please contact our team through the Help Center: so we can verify the account in question and assist you further.

      When it comes to support inquiries, our goal is to deliver prompt and precise help across the board. For immediate concerns, our phone and live chat services offer quick assistance. However, there are times when more complex issues require a deeper level of technical investigation by our second-level technicians. In such cases, a bit more time might be needed to thoroughly address the matter. We assure you that our team is working diligently to address all issues promptly and effectively.

      Thank you again for your candid review, and we look forward to the opportunity to enhance your experience with us.

      The SiteGround Team

  11. Moinuddin Waheed says

    siteground is by far the best hosting provider in the industry.
    I have used it for my client website and am very satisfied by the smooth service that it has at its end.
    in terms of security, in terms of scalability and in terms of performance and uptime, it is the best hosting provider in the market.
    the only cons which may seem at times is its a slight higher pricing.
    overall best…

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback! We’re happy to hear about your satisfaction with our hosting services. We’re committed to providing top-notch security, scalability, and performance. It’s great to have your input, and we appreciate your support. Happy hosting!

  12. Patrick Tondreau says

    So happy with SG and their legendary help desk never more than 5 minutes before speaking with a real person. Love it

    • SiteGround says

      Hey Patrick! We’re happy to hear that you’re loving our help desk service! We aim to make sure you get the assistance you need promptly. Thanks for being a valued part of our community!

  13. Puran says

    The support team is really great! They responde quicky and solved the helped out without any delays. I have used other provider’s services before but this one has best support team.

    • SiteGround says

      That’s fantastic to hear, Puran! We’re thrilled that you’ve had such a positive experience with our support team. Thank you for your kind words!

  14. Ray Evans says

    I am very satisfied with the Technical Support! Absolutely no wasted motions or useless email back and forth – I put in my request, and it got completed, in about an hour. This is REAL 5-star technical support and on a Sunday, too! Absolutely STELLAR! Thank you very much.

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you so much for your review, Ray! We’re happy to hear about your fantastic experience with our technical support. And that we could meet your expectations. If you have any more inquiries or need further help, feel free to reach out. We’re here to assist you!

  15. Tadeo Lemus says

    Siteground is awesome! I’ve been using them for years now and they have been getting better and better to where I’m thinking of moving all my websites here as I’m trusting them more and more and they’re support has always been able to help me.

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you so much for your kind words and loyalty, Tadeo! We’re happy to have you as a long-time customer and are committed to providing you with the best service possible. If you decide to move all your websites to SiteGround, we’ll be here to support you every step of the way.

  16. Gareth Foster says

    The support and knowledge at Siteground far outweigh any other hosting provider and I have had my fair share!
    Keep up the great work!!!

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for your wonderful feedback, Gareth! We’re delighted to hear that our support team has impressed you. We’ll keep up the great work and always be here for you. Thanks for choosing SiteGround!

  17. Dave says


    (He is at once gracious and a consummate professional in my view. . . . )

    My gosh Svetoslav, you are amazing! :-)

    I have hardly ever received such a perfectly informative, point-by-point, fulsome support reply about anything! Just wonderful, and most educational.

    You are extraordinary at what you do, and a master communicator. Thank you so much for your help, and for your patience in addressing each and every one of my concerns both professionally and kindly.

    Please make sure you have a GREAT weekend, and thank you again!

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for your wonderful feedback! We truly appreciate your kind words and are delighted that our support representative, Svetoslav, was able to provide you with such helpful and informative assistance. We’ll make sure to pass your kind words along to Svetoslav. If you ever need further support, don’t hesitate to reach out.

  18. Ray Rolando says

    Donetian at SiteGround was fantastic. This was a tier 3/4 issue that he helped me to resolve. HE was diligent and patient and persevered when others would have given up. Mulling thorugh the execution logs, with detailed notes during every step of the process, he led me to figure out exactly what was wrong and fix in in minutes after a grueling 6 hours. Thank you, Donetian. BEST experience I have had with SiteGround in 7 years!

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for sharing, Ray! Your positive experience with our services means the world to us! We’ll make sure to pass on your appreciation to Donetian. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for being a valued customer!

    • SiteGround says

      We’re glad you are happy with our services and support, Mary! Having you on board is a pleasure and we are available 24/7 for any assistance you may require. Thank you for your kind words.

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for sharing your 5-star experience, Jeanne! It’s a pleasure to know you’ve been happy with our services – we appreciate the feedback!

  19. Hans Eisenman says

    Just used Siteground’s migration service. It was the best $30 I’ve spent in a while. They took care of everything once I gave them the access they needed. Site magically appeared under the temp domain on Siteground so I can test it. There are some super small things to adjust occasional button color that got lost in the transfer somehow. It’s a very short list so I’ll have all that fixed up before the end of the weekend and we’ll deploy it!

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for the positive feedback, Hans! We are committed to providing seamless and hassle-free services to our customers, and we’re delighted to hear that you were satisfied with your website migration. Please feel free to contact us at any time should you need other assistance – we’re here to help. Thanks again for sharing!

  20. JimB says

    Server migration of WordPress sites and custom APIs went flawlessly! Quickly answered all my questions too. Highly recommended!

    • SiteGround says

      We’re glad to hear you are happy with the migration of your WordPress sites! Thank you for sharing your experience with us and recommending our services. Our team is available 24/7 if you need anything!

  21. Andrea C Crenshaw says

    I have been using SiteGround for several years, their support, reliability, price, is top notch! I have over 45 clients with them and use SiteGround for all of my clients whenever I have the choice.

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for letting us know how much you appreciate our services and support. Your loyalty all these years, as well as your trust in us with the hosting of your clients, means a lot to us. Once again, thanks for sharing!

  22. Matthew Lane says

    These guys are amazing. I requested help with an access file, and they did it right away. I figured I would ask off hand if they could give me any suggestions for settings, and they did! Best service I have ever used for hosting.

  23. Brian says

    I’ve used site ground for 5+ years now.
    They have done several upgrades in that time with very little downtime.
    They communicate well.
    Their deal prices are very good.
    Their staff for the most part are knowledgeable and able to complete requests timely and accurately.
    They have data centers in several locations in the USA as well a quite a few around the world.

    Their regular prices are a bit more expensive than some other hosts.

  24. SiteGround says

    You’re very welcome, Rob! We’re glad to hear our techs’ suggestion has helped, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance. We’re always here to help, and we appreciate your kind words!

  25. Rob Purea says

    Thank you as usual for your prompt attention to resolving my issues. I have reset the mesh router network and I will monitor to see how it goes from here. Thank you again for working with me in troubleshooting this matter and you guys are awesome as usual.

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for the positive feedback and for being a valued customer, Benjamin! It’s great to hear you’re happy with the service and we appreciate the A1 rating. Thanks again!

  26. John Duncan says

    I was having BIG flippin’ issues with another host (that I had been with for 10 years!) so it was time to switch. Thank God, at the same time, Site Ground was offering a HUGE limited time discount offer for new subscribers. The stars had aligned ! I’d been a fool not to grab the discount. Looking forward to a long relationship with SiteGround.

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for this review, John! We agree, it was definitely meant to be. Glad to welcome you aboard! 

    • SiteGround says

      Thank you for this review, John! We agree, it was definitely meant to be. Glad to welcome you aboard!

