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Is WordPress Free





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ソフトウェアとしてのWordPressのコードはGPLで公開されていますが、WordPress、WordCamp、WordPressロゴはWordPress Foundationが所有する登録商標です。

WordPress trademarks

詳細については、WordPress Foundationの商標ポリシーをご覧ください。










Bluehost website

関連 WordPressブログの始め方(アルティメットガイド)













そう、WordPressサイトはさまざまな方法で収益化できるのだ。例えば、会員制サイトを作ったり、アフィリエイトマーケティングを始めたり、Google Adsenseで広告を出したり、デジタル製品を販売したり、他にもいろいろできます。



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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Dennis Muthomi says

    the explanation of the open-source philosophy and GPL licensing really insightful.

    it’s interesting that since WordPress and most plugins/themes are GPL licensed, it means I could actually modify their code if I had programming skills to better suit my needs.
    I was not aware about that!

  3. Jiří Vaněk says

    I don’t quite understand the principle of the GPL. You write that all WordPress code is under the GPL license. This means that when you as a company create an AIO SEO plugin, it is under the GPL license and someone can modify it and then distribute it? Or am I missing something?

  4. Moinuddin Waheed says

    I have seen many premium themes developers offer installation and distribution of their themes upto 500 people under GPL licenses.
    Due to this reason i have seen many websites selling these premium themes way cheaper than the actual one and they claim they are doing it under GPL licenses.
    is it safe and okay to do that under GPL?
    is it safe to purchase from them due to the cost difference?

  5. Moinuddin Waheed says

    Thank you for clearing the doubts around general public license and open source software.
    I had the same set of questions and doubts about how the open source projects make money and what are the benefits, why they make the products and services available for free open source and allow to distribute without any cost involved. After going through the article,it is crystal clear now about the open source and general public license.

  6. Jeremy says

    I already have a free blog on WP. Would I be able to get some of the plugins if I moved to BlueHost?

  7. Barbara says

    I cannot install plugins. It says I should upgrade my plan before I can do that. Is there anyway to get plugins without paying any upgrade money?

  8. Nandini says

    I just have a question to ask you. Does WP charges to launch a website and also can I install a plug-in for Security to avoid hackers.?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      WordPress does not have a cost to launch a site, for any costs involved you would want to take a look at the cost of using WordPress section of this article. :)


  9. Rohmah says

    If someone creates a course with WordPress in the title are they infringing The WordPress trademark?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Having WordPress in a post title or course title is not infringing on the WordPress trademark.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      You can transfer your domain to a host for a site if you wanted or you could keep the domain where it is and change your DNS to point toward where the site is. For a better understanding of what we mean you would want to take a look at our glossary page here:


  10. Jacob says

    I just purchased a domain name from Godaddy and planning to build a WordPress site. Later heard suggestions from some of my friends that Bluehost is better with WordPress site hosting. I am also planning to buy three more domains. Is it be better I move to Bluehost or stay with Godaddy? Any suggestions?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on your personal experience with the hosting as you can always transfer later but we tend to prefer BlueHost :)


  11. Andrei says

    I have domain and a hosting with hostmonster. where do I go now and how do i start building a free WP site? Please help Thanks

  12. Francisco Zamora says

    If I publish a WordPress website on Bluehost, am I able to switch my hosting provider to AWS after deployment of the site? Or do you recommend building the WordPress app with the AWS Cloudformation template? I am a first time WordPress user and id like to take advantage of the wpBeginner special, does it still apply if I use AWS cloud formation?

  13. Derek Smith says

    One of the problems with WP being free is everyone has an opinion.

    There’s too much, ‘I tried it once and it all went wrong,’ – on the plus side, I’d have no expensive kids if I’d followed that mantra – and those asking questions on forums are put off using it and instead go for other options. It’s frustrating. You’d think that they might, for free, FOR FREE, at least try it, but we don’t shout loud enough. We are categorised as nerds.

    With Gutenberg – like it or not – it is about as easy as it can get. ‘One click uploading’, OK so it takes more than one, takes all the fuss away. No need for ftp. Yet we are the ones who love the technical bits we are told.

    Sorry for the rant, but I needed the relief.

  14. Kelvin says

    I will like to create a blog on wordpress but I already have access to hosting through my reseller hosting account.
    Is it possible to use the wordpress blog and host it in my hosting account?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      As long as your hosting provider allows you to install WordPress you should be able to use WordPress on that host.


  15. Nilu says

    Hi, I have just created a blog with domain. I was directed towards the payment gateway. How can I use it for free? I am a content writer but the growing market demands asks me to use wordpress and other platforms. I am just here to learn the basics and to understand how to post articles on WP. Please help me with the same as I want a free blog as of now.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      As long as you are not using a custom domain, your site should be free to set up. If it is not giving the option to use a free site then you would sadly need to reach out to’s support.


    • Siobhán Dempsey says

      After picking your website name on WordPress for instance
      You pick free
      Which is the first option.
      Then go from there.
      Pick a theme etc
      If you want to lose . WordPress extension
      Then you start paying.
      Good luck.

  16. Graham Hayman says

    This explanation just confused me more. I suggest that mind-map type of diagram would help.

  17. Perry says

    WorPress is NOT free!

    Plans start at between $3 to $8 a month.

    It’s cheap, but still. . . . it is not free like so many people think.

  18. Perry says


    I am setting up a WordPress site. I will be keeping my web host company.

    I thought that WordPress was free, but I see in step 4 of the setup that payment plans start at $8 a month.

    So I am confused.

    Thank you in advance.

    ~ Perry

  19. Suzie Que says

    Free wordpress site names are pointless. You end up with a after your preferred name. No one can find your blog. You have to pay if you want just a .com name. So it’s not free as they boast.

  20. Catherine says

    I am new to this blogging concept
    and a little nervous about moving
    forward don’t want to get stuck in the
    wrong place with this

  21. Caleb says

    Hey, I have a question and hopefully you can help me.

    I am wanting to create a PWA (Progressive Web App) and was wondering if I could use WordPress to create a Website as a base.

    Please let me know.
    Thank You.

  22. Benedict says

    (1). Will I Be Paid Per Click On My Website.
    (2). How Will I Be Getting Paid.
    (3). How Do I Connect My Account To My Website.
    (4). Can I Connect Two Website To A Single Account

  23. Akindunbi Shalom says

    It is my pleasure to get accross to this site. I’m a pure beginner as WP is concern, but the moment I got here I never remain the same. I appreciate your good gesture. There is one thing I would like you to do for me and it how to integrate payment gateway to blog/website. I’m from Africa, Nigeria per say. Please PayPal is not working in Nigeria and most of our Card (Master card) is active for online (Bank policy). Please to tap from your expertise in this area once again. Thanks, I need your help! Shalom!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Akindunbi,

      There are many online payment gateways that you can use like Payza, 2Checkout, Payoneer, etc. However, their fees are slightly higher than PayPal. You need to check them out to calculate their fees and other charges. Once you find a payment gateway that looks suitable for your business needs, then look for a WordPress plugin that helps connect your WordPress site to that payment gateway. There are plugins for almost every online payment gateway.


  24. gnaneswar says

    I have blogger website, can I change to with the same domain name and same web hosting.Or again I have to buy a new domain name and web host

  25. kamaldeen says

    Pls I just opened my blog but have got few things that I don’t understand, I was told about a PayPal account in which I am to get paid as pertaining to my traffic on my blog but I didn’t add any account, and I also saw a place to feel In some account details as pertaining to word press. Asking me to pay about 30+ dollars. I still don’t understand all that. I didn’t feel it though nd still trying to finalise my blog settings me everything

  26. Vince says

    Thank you for this information! I just started my own WP blog and this filled in many gaps of my knowledge that I didn’t find in my initial research of blogging platforms. This is definitely a great reference to pass along to others!

  27. hope says

    I really learned alot from this website today and it is not the first time I wanted to compare and…I really liked everything about but my question is that what are host payment methods, im from south Africa PayPal and other methods are not easy for me…but bitcoins are always easy and cheap, is there any bitcoins payment method?

  28. Brittany S. says

    Hello, I’m sorry to bug you with this question, but I tried asking it on the WP forums and got no response. Since this post mentions the costs of having a WP account, I hope this is an ok place to ask this.

    I currently have a free account. I simply want the .wordpress gone from my domain name.

    Every place I look in the help docs or forums, it states to look at the plan pricing, and of course, when you look at the plans, you see that a custom domain is free with any plan. Ok, got it.

    However, this is why I’m confused. The site lets me go in and add a custom domain and private domain registration to my cart for $18/year and $8/year respectively. So $26/year total. It says nothing about having to buy a plan.

    Now, if you stop and think about this for a sec, it doesn’t make sense. If you MUST have a plan in order to have a custom domain, and if a custom domain is FREE with a plan, then why would the system show pricing for a custom domain? See how that doesn’t make sense?

    Essentially, I’m not brave enough (yet) to just say screw it and try to pay the $26 bucks and see what happens. I just wondered if anyone here knows. Any time pricing and such is mentioned on the WP forums, the same link to the plans is given and that’s the end of the conversation.

    Thanks in advance!

  29. Sneha says

    Thank you so much for this information.
    I have a query.I am meaning to shift from to in order to run an e-commerce store.I already had bought the personal plan from exporting,will my plan and the subsequent amount go down the drain?


    • WPBeginner Support says

      Plans and other purchases on can be canceled and refunded with in 30days of purchase. Domain registrations can be canceled and refunded during 48 hours after purchase. Please contact support for more help.


  30. Azam ali says

    There are wordpress free themes, I want to know that how much permission are we having to use them freely

  31. Elyse Sokoloff says

    True beginner, semi-luddite here. I thought I had things figured out but now I’m confused again. I started a blog through WordPress and I’m assuming it was I bought my domain name, so does that mean I’m self hosted? If I upgrade my blog to a Genesis or Headway site, how does that change how I’m hosted, or does it? Your site has been very helpful thus far, thanks for all your work.

  32. Pete says

    Nice read. I am currently a duda pro but costs are becoming too high. I have 30 websites and pay £330 per month to duda. I do charge my clients a monthly fee but would rather keep the £330 by using wordpress instead. Can even use that saving for themes or plugins.

    Am i correct in thinking that I can construct 30 websites on wordpress and host it with godaddy for around £6per month? Or am I missing something?

    Unfortunately we cannot transfer websites from duda to another platform but where there’s a will there’s a way??

  33. Joel Silverman says

    Great article! Thanks for helping me understand some of the things to consider. The article on the differences between and was good too.

  34. Chidi Anslem says

    Great and useful post. I found this very enlightening. It’s cleared most of my misconceptions.

  35. one says

    very informative post. It’s helps me to understand the difference between and

  36. Victoria says

    I am about to head off on an amazing holiday overseas & wish to keep a blog to email to family & friends of all the highlights & experiences of our trip. WordPress was recommended by a friend who has a blog through you. I just wanted to double check that what I set up will be free, that I will be able to email what I write & that I can do all this from the Macbook Air (running Mac OSX 10.9.5) that we will take with us? Thanks.

  37. rayan says

    Tell me about famous e-commerce websites using wordpress. I am a web designer using wordpress, and i want to convince my customers that wordpress is good enough to have your online store running perfectly.

  38. Nina says

    I am starting a blog and was wondering if it is a good idea to start with the free WordPress as I gradually add content. Right now I have zero content.

    Since it is possible to transfer to in the future, is it worth it to take advantage of the traffic that the free WordPress provides in the meantime? Or would it be too much of a hassle/inconvenience to my future readers to transfer over?

    I read that does not help you gain traffic… what do you suggest? I want to do everything right from the beginning so I can establish a good foundation for my blog/business. Please help! Thank you!

