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Difference between domain name and web hosting



Domain name entered into a browser address bar.





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How domain names work






What is web hosting?


















What you need to build a website?














ドメイン名を区切りで購入したい場合は、Domain.comNetwork SolutionsGoDaddyNamecheapHostGatorなどのトップドメイン登録業者から購入できます。


Moving domain name













Move website to new domain













SEO を損なうことなく WordPress を新しいドメインに移行する方法については、チュートリアルをご覧ください。バックアップの作成、301リダイレクトの設定、新規ドメインに関するGoogleへの通知など、ステップバイステップの手順が含まれています。




  • 共有ホスティング– ブロガーや中小企業のサイトで使用されるウェブホスティングプランの最も一般的なタイプです。
  • VPSホスティング– トラフィックの多い忙しいサイトに適したこのホスティングプランは、ウェブサイトオーナーに専用サーバーリソースを提供し、ウェブサイトの成長に合わせて調整することができます。
  • WooCommerce / eコマースホスティング– このタイプのホスティングサービスは、オンラインストアに適しています。オンラインストアを効率的に運営するために、より多くのサーバーリソースを提供します。
  • マネージドWordPressホスティング– WordPress用に最適化された特別なホスティングサービスです。自動更新、ビルトインキャッシュ、高速サーバーを提供します。




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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!


    This article stated the differences in three occasions -what is a domain and what is hosting.
    It’s a bit repetitious for someone with short time to read and learn (add my time to type this here). I know there’s many people out there trying to learn, but it would accomplished it message succinctly with a few separations.

    Thanks though!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thank you for your feedback, the content of the post was from questions we have received from users so we wanted to ensure we covered all of the questions asked :)


  3. Afeez popoola says

    I watch a tutorial and the developer bought the domain name and host it before commencing the tutorial, I search for the domain name after I watch the tutorial finish and couldn’t find the sites. my question is that can I host before developing my wordpress websites. am i editing while its live or is not yet

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For what it sounds like you’re wanting, you want to use a temporary domain. Depending on your hosting provider we would recommend reaching out to their support and they can let you know their rules for a temporary domain.


  4. Peter Wilson says

    Hi, Thanks for sharing such an blog. I was confused in domain name and domain hosting but this blog helped me to understand the difference.

  5. Lily says

    Thanks for this article! If I want to keep a Domain name for future use, and no website has been built yet. Do I need to purchase a hosting service in order to keep the Domain besides paying for the Domain name?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      No, if you only plan to keep the domain for the future, you do not need a hosting provider. :)


  6. Akshat says

    I want to purchase new domain and my old hosting plan is still running, so i can add or migrate my new domain to my old hosting plan?

  7. Ritechoice says

    My question is, let’s say I registered my domain with a different company and i wish do domain transfer, during the transfer process will the domain be inactive on the previous hosting because the domain is presently running on a website now and i wish to transfer it.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on your domain provider for how the domain would be handed. You would want to check with your providers support and they should be able to clear that up for you :)


  8. Lorna says

    Hi, when you own several domain names and you have hosting with the same provider, I would like to know why my hosting is linked to one of the domain names on my domain name list.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would need to reach out to the host for technical reasons but in general, it is to keep things organized on the hosting’s end.


  9. Fransie says

    Thank you so much for this insightful article! It helps me a lot.

    I have a question. I have a project to start my commerce website but I still haven’t got the material to put on the website. Can I buy the domain name first so that I am sure the name I want to use for my business is not taken by someone else and then after I have all the materials ready to start my website, can I register for web hosting?

    Thanks in advance.

  10. Candy says

    Hello. I recently bought a domain name and web-hosting package from WordPress. I then decided to buy a second domain name for a separate business I run. Am I able to host this new website, with its separate address, as part of my existing WordPress hosting package, or do I have to buy an entirely separate hosting package?

    Thank you in advance!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That would depend on your hosting provider. If you reach out to them they should be able to answer that for you.


  11. zhia ranque says

    Is it possible to make wordpress website first without domain name and hosting? I just want to first make my website functional and then buy domain or hosting for it.

  12. Lamuel says

    Is it possible for me to update my website after getting them on the Internet.
    I used WordPress template.

  13. Jeannette McLean says

    I have a domain name that I use for my email address (through Network Solutions). I also have a web hosting account with NS but now use GoDaddy for my website. Do I still need a web hosting account with NS?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Unless you transfer your domains, you would still need your account on your domain’s hosting.


  14. henry molina says

    so i’ve been lookin at a bunch of things and your site seems like the clearest info.

    I’m just looking to use the email hosting (using google g-suite) with the domain name. I do not need a website for my domain. do i still need to have the domain hosted with say bluehost?

    I’ve got my domain name on namecheap and they have freeDNS servers. is that all i need?

    I hope i’m making sense. thank you for the help in advance.

  15. Ananda says

    I have a domain name. But no hosting now my site is on blogger. Without hosting can I move to wordpress.

  16. Ogohi says

    Thanks for the elaborate explanation. Pls may I know if it’s possible to link an extra domain name to a website? For example, I hosted my site with and now I just bought another domain, So, is possible to link the new domain to the same site? Your response will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to check with your hosting provider as some hosts have a method for setting up that redirect for you :)


  17. digitalumesh says

    Excellent post! It’s really helpful for all those who are confused by the domain name and web hosting.

  18. Mike says

    Thank you for this detailed article. I bought my domain name on GoDaddy though want to work on my Domain name website on Siteground. Is it safe to move the domain name I bought 2 days ago if though you stated “We recommend you to wait at least 45 days after the registration or renewal to imitate the transfer?”

    • WPBeginner Support says

      We would still recommend waiting the day limitation and changing your domain’s nameservers to point toward SiteGround so you can use your site while waiting to transfer your domain.


  19. Anu says

    I have doubts..
    Can I buy the web hosting, if it comes with domain names? Can I change the domain name or web hosting, if I am not satisfied?
    Why can I buy domain name with web hosting?
    Please reply.

  20. Jessica Igwe says

    My question is, is it better to buy domain from a hosting company, or buy domain from a domain that specializes in domains? Vice versa, should I buy hosting from a hosting company and not from a domain company?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For purchasing domains, it is personal preference as most providers have improved their ability to handle domains. For hosting, we recommend purchasing from a hosting provider.


  21. Destiny Felinah says

    Again, please does every website have a blog section?
    And can I use my website domain name for my blog?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      No, a blog section is not required. Yes, you can use your domain name for your blog.


  22. Destiny Felinah says

    You can’t imagine how much help you’ve given me.
    Only from the first paragraph the confusion in my head was cleared. You explained it so well and detailed. That’s a while lot lot.

  23. marleydsouza says

    Yes, this is really important to know the difference between a domain and web hosting, it will helpful for everyone. Every beginner can get information from this post despite of any other sites.

  24. Jessica says

    This is a really informative post! Quick question – so my domain name and web hosting are both with Bluehost but I’m going to go elsewhere. When looking at other websites, I can choose the option for web hosting or WordPress hosting…is it the WordPress hosting option I choose? I have a WordPress.Org website. Also do you know how it works when you have a domain name up for renewal and choose to move it i.e. do you move this then renew it with the new provider or will the date of moving it be the start of the renewal?

  25. nick says

    if you have a domain name and your own server that you built with a hdd that has all the files on it then why would you need web hosting to store your files it just don’t make no sense

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Purchasing hosting means a user does not need to know how to set up a hosting environment that is able to be connected to on the internet.


  26. Sam says

    Thank you for the information. Can i switch the names around? I bought both domain name and web hosting but i liked the web hosting name better. Can i use the names interchangeably?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you reach out to your hosting provider they can help you use one domain while pointing the other domain to your primary domain.


  27. Vugh Johnson says

    I have a web hosting account with Godaddy but I don’t want to buy a domain name right now. What address would I have to type to view my web files in my hosting account if I don’t have a domain name?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to reach out to GoDaddy for their current methods available to do this.


  28. Cheri says

    I thank you for your article. It has been informative. But I guess what I would like to know is the cost, bottom line. I mean after all the “first year” offers. I keep a budget for my business and I would just like to know what the final cost will be two years from now so I’m not surprised.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That would depend on your hosting provider, on their pricing pages they should state the cost for renewal or you can reach out to the host and they should let you know.


  29. Paul says

    Yes this was an important step. When I initially started my website back in 2012 the instructions for a beginner self taught like me was very confusing. I started hosting from Bluehost but has a registered domain name through WP. So basically I’m paying hosting fees separately on top of the fees of $18 on WP. If I did miss it back then bluehost didn’t have its own domain name registration just hosting. Since I was using WP theme I used for this to point to my website files in bluehost.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thanks for sharing, should anyone run into this issue now, once you wait 60 days you would be able to transfer your domain to BlueHost :)


  30. mia says

    Hello, so your post is helpful but i have a similar yet different question.
    So i opened a blog on simplest today and bought my domain name, however i ‘tried’ to insert ads to my dashboard and now my simple site editor won’t load. Nevermind that, my question is, if i transfer my domain name to wordpress, will i be charged an extra fee on top of the one i paid for simple site and for my domain, or is wordpress free to use their platform as long as you have a domain name? thank you!

  31. Ayesha says

    Its really great article!!!
    If i bought domain from Godaddy and host from hostgator, later i decided to change my host to bluehost, is that easy ?
    Please guide me.

  32. jannat1234 says

    I have learn about domain and hosting from this post.This is a great article.Thanks for sharing this article.

  33. Misheal Ilonze says

    Pls I have 2 Questions
    1. If I signup for bluehost blog will it be seen on the browser as or will it appear
    2. Can I buy my domain name first from bluehost and later host with bluehost

  34. Jerry says

    Hi – just to check so if I have a domain name with wix i can use that same name/ site to another web hosing?

  35. Jerry Peres says

    Great post. Thank you for covering up such topic in your article. It’s really helpful for all those who are confused by the domain name and web hosting.

  36. Cassie says

    Another great topic, and the analogy you use, to address and actual home was inspired. And helpful. Please go on to a great New Year!

